About Nancy McGaw

Nancy McGaw is an expert in leading social innovation in business. She is a senior advisor at the Aspen Institute’s Business & Society Program. In 2009, she founded the Aspen First Movers Fellowship, a widely acclaimed leadership development program for corporate social intrapreneurs. For 15 years, she has led, mentored and learned from nearly 300 bold and creative innovators, who have transformed their companies to deliver economic value while creating a healthier, fairer, more just, and sustainable world.

McGaw joined the Aspen Institute in 2000 after nearly two decades as a corporate banker and quickly became an ardent student of values-based leadership. The core of her work has focused on understanding how business can be a force for good in society.

From 2001-2012, she led Beyond Grey Pinstripes, a global ranking of the Top 100 MBA programs, designed to assess how well business schools were preparing MBAs for social and environmental stewardship. She has also conducted extensive research on the attitudes of MBA students towards pursuing business and societal goals, and has convened experts in leadership development around the world to build and share knowledge about cutting-edge initiatives to develop leaders for a sustainable society.

She wishes that in her years as a banker she had a guide like Making Work Matter that could have served as a springboard for her to become a corporate changemaker. She lives in New York with her husband.